Monday, October 13, 2008


well, it has been 2 1/2 months since i last put anything on here. ok, i'm still riding the learning curve of a first baby. Jade is growing so well. She is up to 10 lbs and is now 3 months old. She has over doubled her weight since she was born. Yeah Jade! She is starting to smile a lot and interact some. I have started sticking out my tongue and she responds back with a big smile and sticky hers out to. it is so cute. I'm probably just a little biased but i think Jade is the cutest baby on the planet. David always says we won the baby lottery. I love being a stay at home mom and am enjoying every minute of my time with Jade. I'm actually feeling really desirous to try for another baby soon but i have to patiently wait for my body to heal fromt he c-section. I was hoping to get my pregnancy weight off before having another one but I don't know if that is going to happen since i haven't lost even an ounce in the 7 weeks that i have been working out and eating well. I guess i'm the 1 in 5 women that doesn't lose much of anything while breastfeeding. oh well, Jade is so worth it!